Swiss startup Apostrophy AG will present the first anonymous operating system for smartphones. The event will take place at the World Economic Forum in Davos, bloomberg reports .

The software called AphyOS is based on an open version of Android (GrapheneOS). According to the developers, it guarantees absolute confidentiality. Analysts emphasize that on the part of Apostrophy, this is a challenge to the Android and iOS ecosystems.

The principle of operation of AphyOS is based on application segregation, which does not allow tracking digital user behavior.

The main difference between an anonymous OS and others is that the developer will charge a subscription fee for it. At the same time, not end users will pay, but gadget manufacturers. The introduction of AphyOS will cost the company 10 million euros.

Earlier it became known that Google is introducing several interesting new features for the operating systems of smartphones and smartwatches.
