Meta’s supervisory board appealed to the company to reconsider the rules prohibiting the publication of photos of nude female breasts on Facebook and Instagram. Note that similar photos of men are tolerated by social networks. This is reported by The Guardian.

The Supervisory Board, which includes scientists, politicians and media representatives, has published recommendations for Meta regarding changes to community standards. The Council refers to international human rights standards. Council members also note that now the rules are not are clear to non-binary and transgender individuals.

The supervisory board’s decision came after Facebook deleted the posts of an American couple made up of a non-binary and transgender person. The posts talked about raising funds for a top transgender operation. Topless photos were also made public, albeit with nipples covered.

After deleting the post, users have appealed the decision. Publication was eventually resumed.

Earlier, the Irish Data Protection Commission fined the social network Instagram €405 million.
