The developer of the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, OpenAI, filed an application with the US Patent and Trademark Office to register the “GPT” trademark in December 2022. She was prompted to obtain a patent by the emergence of “many violations and counterfeit programs” by competing companies in the AI industry.

This is stated on TechCrunch.

According to the publication, this year in March, OpenAI asked the US Patent and Trademark Office to speed up the process. However, her appeal was rejected on the grounds of non-payment of the fee and the lack of documents to substantiate the request.

As you know, such decisions from the US Patent and Trademark Office are being prepared within 5 months. However, according to experts, the company has no guarantees for obtaining a patent.

For example, an obstacle might be the letter “T” in the name of a GPT trademark. This abbreviation stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It is known that the word “Transformer” has been widely used since 2017. This is the name of the neural network architecture from Google researchers.

Recall, the head of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk left the board of directors of the startup he founded OpenAI in 2018 not because of a conflict of interest with Tesla, as previously reported.
