Microsoft founder Bill Gates predicts that soon the best of the companies in the field of AI will create a personal digital agent, which will replace other services. He believes that a potential AI assistant will understand people’s needs and habits. He will also help them get the necessary information.

The billionaire said this during an event of Goldman Sachs and SV Angel in San Francisco, according to CNBC.

Whoever creates such a personal agent is a truly worthwhile technology, because you will never again go to a search engine site like Google or Amazon.

Bill Gates.

Gates believes that the winner in the race of AI developers can be both a startup and a technology giant and wants it to be Microsoft. At the same time, he suggests that a startup Inflection.AI may have such an opportunity. Its co-founder is the former executive director of DeepMind Mustafa Suleyman.

Recall that Google will soon launch a new format of the search service. According to the project codenamed Magi, a string for communicating with artificial intelligence and short videos and publications from social networks will be added to the search engine interface.
